Music Links
The Alberta Foundation for the Arts | www.affta.ab.ca
British Columbia Arts Council | www.bcartscouncil.gov.bc.ca
The Canada Council for the Arts | www.canadacouncil.ca
Canada Music Fund | www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/progs/ac-ca/progs/fcmus-cmusf/index_e.cfm
Canadian Centre for Philanthropy | www.ccp.ca
Canadian Heritage | www.pch.gc.ca
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec | www.calq.gouv.qc.ca
FACTOR | www.factor.ca
George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation www.metcalffoundation.com
The Laidlaw Foundation | www.laidlawfdn.org
Manitoba Arts Council | www.artscouncil.mb.ca
New Brunswick Arts Board | www.artsnb.ca
Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council | www.nlac.nf.ca
Ontario Arts Council | www.arts.on.ca
The Ontario Trillium Foundation | www.trilliumfoundation.org
Saskatchewan Arts Board | www.artsboard.sk.ca
VideoFACT | www.muchmusic.com/videofact
ADISQ | www.adisq.com
American Federation of Musicians | www.afm.org
Canadian Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences | www.juno-awards.ca
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | www.cbc.ca
Canadian Conference of the Arts | www.ccarts.ca/eng/home_e.htm
Canadian Country Music Association | www.ccma.org
Canadian Independent Record Production Association www.cirpa.ca
Canadian League of Composers | www.composition.org
Canadian Music Centre | www.musiccentre.ca
Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency | www.cmrra.ca
Canadian Recording Industry Association | www.cria.ca
Encyclopedia of Music in Canada | wwww.nlc-bnc.ca/4/
Guild of Canadian Film Composers | www.gcfc.ca
Orchestras Canada | www.oc.ca
SOCAN | www.socan.ca
SODRAC | www.sodrac.com
Songwriters Association of Canada
CAAMA @ www.caama.org
The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Music and the Arts (C.A.A.M.A.) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the commercial development of Canadian sound recording business domestically and internationally. C.A.A.M.A's objectives are to further the interests of all segments of the independent music industry, both domestically and internationally, and to ensure the preservation and enactment of laws favourable to our industry. C.A.A.M.A. is a professional trade organization for the Canadian independent music industry. Since 1991, the CAAMA has been the principle advocate for the growth and development of Canadian independent music world-wide.
SAC (Songwriters Association of Canada) @ www.songwriters.ca
Here you will find information about the Songwriters Association of Canada, the only national arts service organization dedicated exclusively to Canadian composers, lyricists and songwriters. Membership in the Association is open to any Canadian composer, lyricist or songwriter, from amateur through professional, regardless of style or genre of music.